Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm not so special...

In the wake of this new business venture, I am continually, just absolutely humbled by the amount of support we are receiving.   I can assure you that every single time I learn that God has used me to touch, change, or challenge someone’s life, it stirs up something wild inside me.  I cannot express to you the sense of overwhelming responsibility & excitement that I have to keep going…to keep helping people take control of their money.

It always amazes me that people actually take the time to listen to what I have to say or read my blog…at the end of the day, I’m just a mom who struggles to do the best she can for her kids.  I’m just a wife trying be the champion for her husband.  I’m just a friend trying to love those who will let me.  I’m just a coach trying to push people to do better.  I don’t have any distinctive qualities that make me better or more talented than anyone else – in fact, I feel like I actually lack some of the social qualities that it takes to “make it” in the business world.

Despite all of the commonness that entails me, I choose to serve a God who is everything that I am not, and more.  I believe that He has ordained my days.  I believe He gave me the exact qualities that He meant for me to have, so that I could fulfill the purpose that He set before me.  I believe that His plans for me are for my good.  I don’t expect my life to be easy, but I do believe that I can trust Him when life is hard, as well as when it’s good.  I trust that He is using me to do great things. 

I don’t think He has positioned me to change the financial world, but I am confident that He has gifted me to change the financial world of a few families.  I am praying to add 2 new families this month that  are looking to learn how to live in financial freedom.  I don’t have any tricks up my sleeve, but I can teach you how to roll your sleeves up, take control, and change your financial life.